Monday, June 18, 2012

Libraries are Important--Learn Something!!

Historically, when recessions hit, funding for the public arts takes immediate hits from policy makers.  Now is no exception.  Libraries struggle continuously for funds against an assault of "Cut Spending" political mentalities.  But, rather than write about the politics of losing funds, the focus instead will be on how special a public library really is for a community.

There is a great scene in one of my favorite films, Good Will Hunting, where the main character (Matt Damon) and his friends (Ben and Casey Affleck, et al.) are in a debate with an uppity Harvard grad student at a bar.  The grad student tries to humiliate Ben Affleck's character, and Matt Damon steps in and debates him, wit for wit.  If you haven't seen the movie, stop what you're doing and see it now.  Matt Damon's character is a genius with a rough lifestyle and past, and shows his intelligence in this debate.  Back to the point, though, there is great moment right after the Harvard grad student knows Matt Damon is smarter than him and Matt Damon remarks that the Harvard student spent over $100,000 for his education and Damon got his for a couple bucks in late fees at the public library.  :)

I know, I know, that was a round-a-bout way of getting to a point, but isn't it true?!  As participants of society--of our community, we have the unique and wonderful opportunity to explore and discover an unlimited wealth of knowledge at our library.  Nothing else like this exists in the world.  Imagine if instead of books, it was food, and you went to a public space and got any kind of food imaginable FOR FREE.  It would be crazy, because IT IS CRAZY.  Crazy good.

Libraries aren't just funded because they always have been, or because it's just something to fund.  They are funded because they provide all of us with something that we take for granted--that we often forget about--they provide us with KNOWLEDGE.  FOR FREE!!!! 

Visit your library and learn something!

-Samuel Kenneth Wolfdancer Hirt

Director of Community Relations
Putnam County Public Library
Greencastle, Indiana

PCPL: A Short Video

 Check out this short video of our library!

Monday, April 23, 2007

PCPL's new blog

Putnam County Public Library has just started a new blog!

The blog will be used to highlight upcoming events at the library, as a resource for book discussions, and a general conduit to the patrons.